Posts Tagged ‘Questions’
A Quick Guide to GIS Stack Exchange Questions
What kind of questions can be asked on GIS Stack Exchange? The Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange is for is for questions concerning geographic information systems and science. We welcome cartographers, database administrators, geographers, programmers, and anyone interested in or using GIS professionally.
Please see other places for help for questions which are off topic here (such as general questions on databases, server setup, web services, programming, etc.).
Although the scope of questions appropriate here is wide, befitting the range of GIS applications please make an initial effort to research the answer before you ask a question. That will help you write a great, focused question that gets excellent answers. Questions that are too basic (meaning the answer is indexed in any number of general internet reference sources designed specifically to find that type of information)will be closed.
GIS SE aim is to create a lasting record of great solutions to questions. Providing references to peer-reviewed literature or links to on-line resources is warmly welcomed. You can also incorporate the work of others under fair use doctrine, which particularly means that you must attribute any text, images, or other material that is not originally yours.
Please look around to see if your question has been asked before. Duplicates are Flagged for Moderation It’s also Okay to ask and answer your own question.
What kind of questions should I not ask here?
You should only ask practical, answerable questions based on actual problems that you face. Chatty, open-ended questions diminish the usefulness of our site and push other questions off the front page. Open-End cannot be completed and makes it harder for people to give correct answers.
Your questions should be reasonably scoped. If you can imagine an entire book that answers your question, you’re asking too much.
If your motivation for asking the question is “I would like to participate in a discussion about”, then you should not be asking here. However, if your motivation is “I would like others to explain … to me”, then you are OK. (Discussions are welcome in our real time web chat.)
How do I ask questions here? When you post a new question, other users will almost immediately see it and try to provide good answers. This often happens in a matter of minutes, so be sure to check back frequently when your question is still new for the best response.
Answers to your questions and comment replies to your posts will appear as a red indicator in your global inbox at the top left of every page.
The primary way to gain reputation is by posting good questions and useful answers. Your peers will vote on your posts, and those votes will cause you to gain (or, in rare cases, lose) reputation:
answer is voted up | +10 | |
question is voted up | +5 | |
answer is accepted | +15 | (+2 to acceptor) |
question is voted down | -2 | |
answer is voted down | -2 | (-1 to voter) |
A maximum of 40 votes can be cast per user per day, however, to reach the maximum you must vote on at least 10 questions. You can earn a maximum of 200 reputation per day. Please note that votes for posts marked “community wiki” do not generate any reputation, while accepted answers and bounty awards are not subject to the daily reputation limit.
The other way to gain reputation is by suggesting edits to existing posts as a new registered user. Each edit will be peer reviewed, and if it is accepted, you will earn +2 reputation. You can only earn a maximum of +1000 total reputation through suggested edits, however.
15 | Vote up |
15 | Flag for moderator attention |
50 | Leave comments |
100 | Edit community wiki posts |
125 | Vote down (costs 1 rep on answers) |
200 | Reduced advertising |
250 | Vote to close, reopen, or migrate your questions |
300 | Create new tags |
500 | Retag questions |
1000 | Show total up and down vote counts |
2000 | Edit other people’s posts, vote to approve or reject suggested edits |
3000 | Vote to close, reopen, or migrate any questions |
5000 | Vote to approve or reject suggested tag wiki edits |
10000 | Vote to delete closed questions, access to moderation tools |
15000 | Protect questions to prevent answers by new users |
20000 | Vote to delete negatively voted answers and stronger question deletion votes |
Further Details can be found at the GIS SE FAQ